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Read about Assignment Writer
There are a lot of questionable things about Assignment Writer…
1 looks like this ad is formatted for map search results. We scanned the QR code so you don’t have to: it prompts you to send a direct message to their WhatsApp number.
2 The ad is managed by Clickinpedia, also the brain behind the Assignment Help essay mill site. They are a digital performance marketing company whose specialty is showing up in search results and getting clicks, not providing academic services (I guess it’s a good side hustle?). Their 1st Core Value?
3 The website is fully SEO optimized: full of text, buzzwords, keyboards, and the almost required questionable grammar of essay mills:
“Crucial Weightage”
If you’re a student who stumbles upon their website, be assured that using “Assignment Writer” is both ethical and legal, they say so!
I just put their answer through our patent-pending “BS Paraphrazer” and it cames back as “Our 14+ years of dishonesty are a testament to our trustworthiness in helping you achieve maximum laziness. Assignment Writer is illegal in Australia!”