Take‘em down:
Don’t forget to add “academic fraud” as the reason(s).
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Read about Distance Academics
Last week, we covered Hail Mary Papers which publicly listed D** W******* as not only the advertiser, but the CEO (he’s the “verified” account behind the ads).
Not to just dip a toe into the dishonesty industry, our man D** has another contract cheating site he operates called Distance Academics.
One theme we have seen in our research is that one parent company operates multiple sites. For example, in our database we’ve identified 14 different essay mill sites that are operated by a single corporate umbrella: CoreForce Limited. This level of sophistication suggests either consolidation over time or a strategy to diversify the portfolio testing different sites messages and marketing to appeal to different groups of students. The ultimate goal remains the same: generate revenue by selling academic fraud.
Hail Mary Papers appears to focus more on completing assignments while Distance Academics has language that caters more toward coaching and prepping, but the contact for each site has the same phone number.
No matter the reasons for his two sites and the different goals they may have, our goal remains the same. Take ‘em down.