In 6 short months, we’ve built a small but capable group who stand up against academic fraud and take weekly action to knock flagrant ads/posts off the web. This is an important—critical?—step in mitigating how Essay Mills attract, entrap, and extort students.
For the most part, you subscribed with a verifiably “education” focused email:
.edu emails are easiest to verify,
.com addresses that are verifiably integrity-focused (hiya Turnitin, Meazure Learning, and Pearson),
we know you by name (because you’re connected to us on social media), or
we know you from the integrity industry by name (some of you are that famous)
Where we can’t verify your alignment, a Substack profile and subscriptions help.
To all those who fit the above, thank you for joining us.
In some cases though, we either can’t verify you (so we’ll send an email and hope you reply to help us get to know you a little better).
In rare cases, our verification efforts end up with us on an Essay Mill site... Full disclosure: when that happens we block and unsubscribe that subscriber.
This Isn’t Fine is written by and for those building a culture of integrity, which is hard essential work. It’s made harder by those in the contract cheating industry (or for firms enabling those sites).
So, if you get an email from me, please respond! I’m only reaching out to make sure we’re all advancing a culture of integrity together.