Social Proof #2: let's clear your Uni's name
Students pay for your college's brand, they shouldn't see the logos on Essay Mills.
I previously wrote about the concept of “social proof” where sites and companies leverage 3rd party relationships to build trust with new potential customers.
It works like this:
I visit a website/company
I see a recognizable name “used by” “partnered with”
I feel more comfortable and continue through the customer journey (increasing the likelihood of making a purchase/becoming a customer).
It’s simple stuff and solid marketing to draw in new customers and build your brands reputation. In many cases this is a legitimate and agreed upon use of brands and logos to help an unestablished or unfamiliar brand leverage their hard work, contracts, and relationships as a multiplier.
Big However, in the case of Essay Mills they are using 1. your college’s brand with which they have no relationship to 2. dupe students into assuming that other classmates have walked the same path. They use “social proof” (“students like you”) as a moral rationalization1 tool.
We’ve crosschecked 300+ Essay Mills for this tactic and found two things:
38 Essay Mills engaged in this tactic
197 unique college and university brands leveraged
366 total mentions across the 38 sites
Taking Action
The last few weeks here at the University of Maryland I’ve been working first through the General Counsel’s office and then the Office of Licensing to build awareness and see what appetite there was to get the UMD official seal off of two essay mills.
Just like in our poll, it’s obvious that removing the logo from these sites is priority 1.
So, I’m going to paste a list of the impacted higher ed institutions below (alpha order) and if your institution is on the list contact me (replies back to this will end up in my inbox). I’ll provide you a template email and information for passing this along to get the ball rolling… and maybe, just maybe we’ll find a GC or university administrator that wants to take this a little further than “please remove my logo”.
School List
Al Falah U
American U
American U in Dubai
American U of Shariah
Aston U
Auburn U
Australian Catholic U
Australian N'tl U
BITS Pilani
Bond U
Boston U
California Inst. of Tech.
California State U
Cardiff U
Carnegie Mellon
Central Michigan U
Charles Darwin U
Charles Sturt U
Chiu Hai College
City U of Hong Kong
City U of London
Colorado State
Concordia U
Curtin U
Dalhousie U
Deakin U
Dhofar U
DRB-HICOM U (Malaysia)
Dubai Institute of Design
Federation U Australia
Flinders U
Florida State
Franklin Pierce
Georgia Tech
Grand Canyon U
Griffith U
Hamline U
Hang Seng U
Heriot Watt U
Holmes Inst.
Hong Kong Baptist U
Hong Kong Metro. U
HULT Int'l Bus. School
Imperial College London
Indiana U
Int'l Compliance Assoc.
James Cook U Aus
Johns Hopkins
Keele U
Kelley School of Bus.
Kennesaw State U
Kent State
King Khalid U
King's College London
La Trobe U
Lancaster U
Lingnan U
Macquarie U
Manchester Metro. U
Manchester U
Massey U
McMaster U
Michigan State
Middlesex U
Minnesota State
Monash U
Murdoch U
Nat'l U of Singapore
Northeastern U
Northern Illinois U
Northumbria U
NYU Abu Dhabi
Occidental College LA
Ohio U
Oxford Brookes U
Pacific U Oregon
Penn State
Qatar U
Queen's U
Queensland U of Tech
Regent U
Salford U
Seattle U
Sheffield Hallam
Shue Yan U
SIngapore Inst. of Tech
Sorbonne U
Staffordshire U
Suffolk U Boston
Swinburne U
Texas A&M
Texas State
Torrens U of Aus
Trinity College Dublin
Tsinghua U
Tung Wah College
U College Cork
U of Adelaide
U of Arizona
U of Arizona
U of Arkansas
U of Auckland
U of Birmingham
U of Bristol
U of California
U of Cambridge
U of Canada West
U of Canberra
U of Canterbury
U of Chicago
U of Dubai
U of Durham
U of Edinburgh
U of Georgia
U of Glasgow
U of Greenwich
U of Hong Kong
U of Illinois
U of Liverpool
U of London
U of Maryland
U of Melbourne
U of Miami
U of Michigan
U of Minnesota
U of Montreal
U of New England (Aus)
U of New Mexico
U of Newcastle
U of NH
U of Notre Dame
U of Penn
U of Queensland
U of Sci & Tech. China
U of Sheffield
U of South Aus
U of South Carolina
U of South Wales
U of Southern Queensland
U of Sunderland
U of Sussex
U of Sydney
U of Tasmania
U of Texas at Austin
U of Toronto
U of VA
U of Virginia
U of Washington
U of Western Aus
U of Wollongong
UAE Univ.
UC Davis
Unitec U
United States U
UNSW Canberry
UNSW Sydney
UOW College Hong Kong
UTS Sydney
UWA Perth
VA Tech
Victoria U of Wellington
Virginia State
Virginia Tech
West Virginia U
Williams College