Each year, the International Center for Academic Integrity sends out a call to its membership to nominate institutions and individuals for our different awards. In the past, recipients of ICAI's awards are recognized at the annual conference.
Nominations are open for all categories, due Feb. 3, 2025 (each category requires at least a letter of recommendation).
Categories include:
Campus of Integrity Award
Student of Merit Award
Exemplar of Integrity Award
Practitioner or Administrator of the Year
Donald McCabe Research of the Year
Tricia Bertram Gallant Award for Outstanding Lifetime Service
I hope you’ll take a minute to nominate your campus, your bestie, or some great research you’ve read recently.
As an ICAI member, I believe that the research of the year (that qualifies) is from Georgia Tech’s Christopher Cui, Jui-Tse Hung, Pranav Sharma, Saurabh Chatterjee, & Thad Starner.
The paper, “Answer Watermarking: Using Answer Generation Assistance Tools to Find Evidence of Cheating” leveraged the novel method of unique metadata inclusion to identify collusion in large-scale assessment in one of Georgia Tech’s courses.
I appreciate that the introduction clearly states that cheaters do not just cheat themselves.
Cheating, which can manifest as plagiarism, collusion, or unauthorized collaboration, not only violates academic integrity but also devalues the efforts of honest peers, undermines the credibility of educational institutions, and hinders learning
The short paper (5 pages) is worth a read, and Professor Starner’s team of TAs is one to watch (several former students have spun off integrity-focused startups).
As an aside, my favorite research overall from 2024 is from Peter Scarfe, Kelly Watcham, Alasdair Clarke, & Etienne Roesch, “A real-world test of artificial intelligence infiltration of a university examinations system: A “Turing Test” case study” but I couldn’t tell whether they were eligible as ICAI members (if anyone knows whether one or more are ICAI members, hit me up).
This wonderful research helped me to see a few things more clearly:
the poor AI-detection capabilities of practitioners
the positive potential of process tracking for writing assignments
the unfair playing field prohibited and undetected AI-generated text creates for honest students
I hope you’ll make a nomination!